韩国人白汉伊(Baek Han-Yi)曾短暂为世界诗人大会执行委员会委员,后因故被除名;多年来,他冒用世界诗人大会WORLD CONGRESS OF POETS(WCP) 的名义,号称自己是会长,到处招摇撞骗,进行非法活动。
世界诗人大会主席Dr. Maurus Young,
秘书长:Dr. María Eugenia Soberanis
Paris, July the 24th, 2016.
Dr. Bei Ta
Executive Board Memner of WAAC/WCP
Dear Dr. Bei Ta,
We address you this letter to formally ask you to advice and warn the poets of your country about the illegal 32 WCP which is being organized by Han Yi Baek and Chi Lung Wang in Tainan, Taiwan this year.
This causes confusion and also a discredit to our organization. As you know Dr. Baek has stolen our name and acronym, when he ended his term as a Board Member and he didn´t like it; he had never said a word against our society in that time, he curiously started to organize Congresses with our name, after he ceased to belong to the Executive Board. He and Chi Lung Wang are now committing a crime; we have and organization of 47 years old with registration in USA and with UNESCO recognition, no matter what he says.
So, please give a strong warning to those who may follow Han Yi Baek congress, as we have done the same to the authorities in Taiwan, to prevent them from incurring in a definitely illegal event and from its consequences to those who may get involved with it.
We all send you our wishes of success in your poetry work and we hope to see you soon in our 36th WCP in Prague.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Maurus Young
Dr. María Eugenia Soberanis Dr. Ernesto Kahan
General Secretary 1st. Vice president
“World Brotherhood and peace Through Poetry”

Registered in U.S.A.
I.D. 94-2994538
+Amado Yuzon, Philippines (1906-79)
Tin-wen Chung, Taiwan
+Krishna Srinivas, India( --2007)
+Lou Lu Tour, U.S.A. ( --1984)
Yu Hsi
+Amado Yuzon 1969-1979
Tin-wen Chung 1979-1994
+Rosemary C. Wilkinson 1994-2003
Justice S. Mohan 2003-2008
Pres. : Maurus Young
Sec. Gen. : Ma. Eugenia Soberanis Nogueda
Vice Pres. : Ernesto Kahan
Vice Pres. : Mend-Ooyo Gomojavin
Vice Pres. : István Turczi
Member: Bei Ta
Member: Sunwoo Ho
Member: Georges Chapouthier
Member: Jiri Dedecek
Treasurer: Michelle Wang
Public Relations: Dorothy Young
+Amado Yuzon, Philippines
Pres. I WCP – Manila, Philippines 1969
Tin-wen Chung, Taiwan
Pres. II WCP – Taipei, Taiwan 1973
+Jeno Pratthy, U.S.A.
Pres. III WCP – Baltimore, U.S.A. 1976 +Byung-hwa Cho – Rep. of Korea
Pres. IV WCP – Seoul, Korea 1979 +Rosemary C. Wilkinson, U.S.A.
Pres. V WCP – San Francisco, U.S.A. 1981 Justo Jorge Padron, Spain
Pres. VI WCP – Madrid, Spain 1982 +Leopold Sedar Senghor, Senegal
Pres. VII WCP – Marrakech, Morocco 1984 Pres. VIII WCP – Corfu, Greece 1985
Justice S. Mohan, India
Pres. IX WCP – Madras, India 1986
+Prince Chand Chirayu Rajani, Thailand Pres. X WCP – Bangkok, Thailand 1988
Mahmoud Khalifa Ghanem, Egypt Pres. XI WCP – Cairo, Egypt 1990
+Osman Turkay, Turkey
Pres. XII WCP – Istanbul, Turkey 1991
Ada Aharoni, Israel
Pres. XIII WCP – Haifa, Israel 1992 Sonja Garza Rapport, Mexico
Pres. XIV WCP – Monterey, Mexico 1993
Chi-lung Wang, Taiwan
Pres. XV WCP – Taipei, Taiwan 1994
+Yutaka Akiya, Japan
Pres. XVI WCP – Maebashi, Japan 1996 Han-Yi Baek, Rep. of Korea
Pres. XVII WCP – Seoul, Korea 1997
Milan Richter, Slovakia
Pres. XVIII WC Bratislava,Slovakia1998
Manuel S. Leyva Martinez, Mexico
Pres. XIX WCP – Acapulco, Mexico 1999
Nikolaos Moshovos, Greece
Pres. XX WCP – Thesaloniki, Greece 2000
Robyn Ianssen, Australia
Pres. XXI WCP – Sydney, Australia 2001
Dorin Popa, Romania
Pres. XXII WCP – Iasi, Romania 2002
Chi-lung Wang, Taiwan
Pres. XXIII WCP – Taipei, Taiwan 2003 Han-Yi Baek, Rep. Korea
Pres. XXIV WCP – Seoul, Korea 2004
Lucy Cabieles, U.S.A.
Pres. XXV WCP – Los Angeles, U.S.A. 2005 Mend-Ooyo Gomojavin, Mongolia
Pres. XXVI WCP – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2006 Justice S. Mohan, India
Pres. XXVII WCP – Chennai, India 2007
Eugenia Soberanis
Pres. XXVIII WCP - Acapulco, Mexico 2008
István Turczi
Pres. XXIX WCP - Budapest, Hungary 2009
Yu Hsi
Pres. XXX WCP - Taipei, Taiwan 2010
Mary Ann Lackovich
Pres. XXXI WCP - Kenosha, U.S.A. 2011
Ernesto Kahan
Pres. XXXII WCP - Kefar Saba, Israel 2012
Wan Hua Chapouthier
Pres. XXXIII WCP - Ipoh, Malaysia 2013
Mavi Márquez
Pres XXXIV WCP – Trujillo, Perú 2014
Yusi Hsi
Pres XXXV WCP- Hualien, Taiwan 2015
Jiri Dedecek
Pres XXXVI WCP – Prague, Czeck Rep. 2016
World Congress of Poets
held under auspices of
World Academy of Arts and Culture
Maurus Young, President
Ma. Eugenia Soberanis Nogueda, Secretary General