

马永波 供稿2025-03-11 06:55:35







出版机构:墨西哥”斯得哥尔摩2033工程”(Stockholm 2033 project)


英汉双语,136 页

书号:ISBN-13   979-8313354125




Three Prominent Poets of Contemporary Literature


In the realm of contemporary poetry, diverse voices emerge from various corners of the globe, enhancing literature with their unique perspectives and distinctive styles. Today, we spotlight three remarkable poets who embody their respective nations: Mexico, China, and Greece.


Jeanette Tiburcio Marquez from Mexico


Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez stands as a prominent figure in Mexican poetry. Her oeuvre is marked by a profound sensitivity to human emotions and a close affinity with the culture and traditions of Mexico. Through her verses, Jeanette delves into themes of identity, love, and resistance, providing a compelling voice to the everyday experiences of her surroundings in support of the children and youth of the world.


Ma Yongbo of China


Ma Yongbo is a distinguished Chinese poet whose oeuvre encapsulates the cultural richness of his nation. With a remarkable talent for merging the traditional with the contemporary, Ma Yongbo explores themes that span nature and philosophy, infusing his poetry with both ancient wisdom and a modern outlook. His work encourages readers to contemplate their surroundings and their role within the world.


Eva Petropoulou Lianou of Greece


Eva Petropoulou Lianou is a Greek poet celebrated for her capacity to encapsulate the essence of Greek mythology and history within her writing. Her poetry is rich with vivid imagery and symbolism, guiding readers on a journey through time and space. Eva employs her work to delve into themes of hope, transformation, and the resilience of the human spirit, advocating for childhood, evoking values, and inspiring those who engage with her words.










Jeanette Esmeralda Tiburcio Márquez, known as Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio, is a Mexican academic, poet, architect, mathematics teacher, social activist, peace ambassador, editor, producer and audiovisual creative, internationally recognized for her multidisciplinary projects, her management and sociocultural contributions, working in favor of children and youth, academia, science and the planet with a positive and integrative vision from the culture of peace. Currently CEO of the Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence, as well as of the Latin American UNAccc, Executive President of the World Academy of Literature, History, Art and Culture, president of the space art and culture commission of the FAU, Director of EDUCA Campus Querétaro, internationally coordinates the Festival of Women in Letters of the ANHG of the UNAM, and globally directs the World Youth Parliament of the UNAccc / Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence Intelligence in more than 100 global headquarters.


Peace Ambassador of the Universal Peace Circle of Switzerland and France and the Peace Action Movement, championed by Pacis Nunntis and creator of various global projects. Academic of the National Academy of History and Geography of the UNAM and the Hispano-American Academy of Good Letters of Madrid. His texts have been translated into 20 languages and he has participated in 50 poetry anthologies around the world.  She is a global editor on the Amazon platform with the Stockholm 2033 project, where she has edited more than 100 books for various international authors and collaborative projects.


珍妮特·埃斯梅拉达·蒂布尔西奥·马尔克斯(Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio),墨西哥学者、诗人、建筑师、数学教师、社会活动家、和平大使、编辑、制片人及视听创意人。她以跨学科项目、社会文化贡献及管理能力享誉国际,秉持和平文化的积极整合视角,致力于儿童青少年福祉、学术发展、科学进步与地球保护事业。现任: 全球领导力与高智商联合会首席执行官 / 拉丁美洲UNAccc首席执行官 / 世界文学历史艺术文化研究院执行主席 / 建筑大学联盟(FAU)艺术文化空间委员会主席 /EDUCA克雷塔罗校区校长 / 统筹墨西哥国立自治大学(UNAM)国家历史与地理学院(ANHG)女性文学节国际事务 / 主导UNAccc/全球领导力与高智商联合会下设的世界青年议会在全球100余个总部的运作。



瑞士与法国“环球和平圈”及“和平行动运动”和平大使(由Pacis Nunntis倡导) / 多项全球性项目创始人  / 墨西哥国立自治大学(UNAM)国家历史与地理学院院士 / 马德里西班牙美洲美文学院院士 。




Eva Petropoulou Lianoy writer. Awarded Author on children literature and Poet. Member of international association of authors and artists Greece.


Golden member of association Alia Mundi Serbia. Member of association artist and authors Pireas. Member of Association Authors of Korinthos Greece.


Ambassador of Peace  Representative of Literary Union USA. Representative of Stocholm project 2033.


Eva Petropoulou-Lianou was born in Xylokastro, Greece. Initially she loved journalism and in 1994 she worked as a journalist for the French newspaper "Le Libre Journal" but her love for Greece won her over and she returned in 2002. She has published books and eBooks: "Me and my other self, my shadow" Saita publications, "Geraldine and the Lake elf" in English - French, as well as "The Daughter of the Moon", in the 4th edition, in Greek - English, Oselotos publications.


Her work has been included in the Greek Encyclopedia Haris Patsis, p. 300. Her books have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, for the Student and Teacher library. Her new books, “The Fairy of the Amazon.


Myrtia "dedicated to Myrto with a disability, and" Lefkadios Hearn, Myths and Stories of the Far East ", illustrated by Sumi-e painter Dina Anastasiadou, are released in 2019.


She recently published her book," The Adventures of Samurai Nogasika. san "in English by the publishing hous, based in England.


Colaborates with several countries and authors as a project of exchange culture and creativity.


Collaborates with the electronic literary magazine The polis magazino.


She is his partner International Literary Union based in America. Collaborates for the promotion of literature and promotes the work of Greek poet. Recently she has been selected an advisor and associate editor for web of Chinese literature and electronic journal poetry collection and a guest participator in International poetry festival of peace, Mexico.


伊娃·佩特罗普洛-利亚努(Eva Petropoulou-Lianou),儿童文学作家与诗人,希腊国际作家艺术家协会会员、比雷埃夫斯艺术家与作家协会会员、科林斯作家协会会员。2024年诺贝尔和平奖官方提名候选人。




参与多国文化与创意交流项目,合作电子文学杂志《城邦》;担任美国国际文学联盟合作伙伴,致力于推广希腊诗歌;受邀出席墨西哥国际和平诗歌节;印度国际伦理学院媒体合作伙伴大使;文学杂志《阿刻戎》(越南-希腊)联合创始人兼主编。曾获“50位杰出女性”奖 、纳尔逊·曼德拉国际和平奖等荣誉。


Ma Yongbo was born in 1964, Ph.D, representative of Chinese avant-garde poetry, and a leading scholar in Anglo-American poetry. He has published over eighty original works and translations since 1986 including 6 poetry collections. He focused on translating and teaching Anglo-American poetry and prose including the work of Dickinson, Whitman, Stevens, Pound, Williams, and Ashbery. He recently published a complete translation of Moby Dick, which has sold over half a million copies. He teaches at Nanjing University of Science and Technology. The Collected Poems of Ma Yongbo (four volumes, Eastern Publishing Centre, 2024) comprising 1178 poems, celebrate 40 years of writing poetry.






